
საქართველოს რეფორმების ასოციაცია

მრავალპროფილური ანალიტიკური ცენტრი საქართველოში

საქართველოს რეფორმების ასოციაცია ეუთო-ს აკადემიური ინსტიტუტების წევრი გახდა

11 აპრილი, 2016

‪#‎GRASS‬ is a member of ‪#‎OSCE‬ Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions.

The network provides expertise, stimulates discussion and raises awareness of the #OSCE. It contributes to the ongoing security dialogue within the #OSCE framework. It helps to address common threats and challenges and contributes to the efforts supporting the Helsinki+40 process and future OSCE dialogue formats. In a more long-term perspective, the network helps to clarify the substance of and the process towards achieving the participating States’ shared vision of a Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian Security Community. The network is used for the exchange of expertise and the coordination of activities between its members.

The #OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions is an autonomous #OSCE-related track II initiative. It is neither an #OSCE structure nor subordinated to the #OSCE or its participating States. The network's members are research institutions from across the #OSCE area that are engaged in academic research and policy analysis on issues relevant to the #OSCE’s security agenda. Currently, the network includes 54 institutions from 36 countries.