
საქართველოს რეფორმების ასოციაცია

მრავალპროფილური ანალიტიკური ცენტრი საქართველოში

აფხაზურ და ქართულ თემებს შორის ნდობის აღდგენის ხელშეწყობა სოხუმში გადაუდებელი სამედიცინო დახმარების შესაძლებლობების გაძლიერების გზით

07 იანვარი, 2019

Project Description:

Overall goal of the project was to strengthen the confidence between Abkhaz and Georgian communities through cooperation in the field of emergency medical assistance.

Specific objectives were as follow:

1. Developing strong links between Georgian and Abkhazian medical personnel;

2. Increasing the capacity of emergency medical service in Abkhazia through trainings and practical experience;

Within the project GRASS brought five doctors and five medical assistants from Abkhazia and trained them im emergency medical issues, such as management of emergency situations, trauma management, oxygen delivery protocol, electrocardiographic techniques, etc. Trainisngs were held at Emergency Situations Coordination and Urgent Assistance Center in Tbilisi.