
საქართველოს რეფორმების ასოციაცია

მრავალპროფილური ანალიტიკური ცენტრი საქართველოში

CrossABL Thematic Meeting Workshop in Third Country

01 სექტემბერი, 2018

Project Description:

The initiative aimed at developing dialogue process between Abkhaz and Georgian stakeholders. To this end, track 1.5 discussions were held at neutral location. Specific Objectives of the project were to:

- support to peace building and conflict transformation between conflict-divided communities;

- facilitation of community-based constructive dialogue between communities from both sides of the ABL concerning the potential trade and economic relations;

- promotion of engagement in productive and result-oriented discussions based on the needs and interests of conflict-affected communities;

- strengthening of ties and confidence building between experts and professional groups.