
საქართველოს რეფორმების ასოციაცია

მრავალპროფილური ანალიტიკური ცენტრი საქართველოში

თბილისი-სოხუმის დიალოგისა და თანამშრომლობის ხელშეწყობა

01 მარტი, 2020

Project Description:

The goal of the project is to promote trust and confidence between Abkhaz and Georgian stakeholders to discuss and cooperate on conflict-related issues in a status-neutral way. To this end, GRASS conducts a series of informal meetings in the track 1.5 discussion format, which brings together Abkhaz and Georgian authorities and professionals to discuss cooperation opportunities in the field of healthcare, environment, livelihood, trade, agriculture, sport and other relevant areas of mutual interest.

In doing so, the project will address the challenges of communities particularly affected by the conflict and enhance the environment that is more conducive to peace, stability and human security. The dialogue process, which will promote application of status-neutral instruments is aimed to mitigate the existing conflict triggers and broaden the base for peacebuilding. The constructive engagement of Abkhaz stakeholders in the dialogue process will strengthen local ownership of cooperation initiatives and help to develop a result-oriented outlook towards Georgian-Abkhaz relations..